Snacks to Improve your Soccer Game

Snacks to Improve your Soccer Game

As an athlete, fueling your body with the proper food can make or break your performance. With busy training schedules, it can be difficult at times to stop and sit for a nutritious meal. If you find yourself in a position where you simply need a quick snack to throw into your bag, or have on the way to practice – we’re here to help! Well-planned soccer snacks can give you that quick boost of energy you need when time is limited, and you want to perform at your best!

Here are 10 snack ideas that taste great, and will give you that boost of energy to make it through a long training session or game day:


  1. Peanut Butter Bagels

Prior to playing, it’s important to snack on some carbohydrate-rich snacks. Start off  strong with some bagels with peanut butter or jam to give you the fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and small amounts of fat that you’ll need to translate into energy.


  1. Muffins

Muffins are an easy way to get your carbohydrates in before your game, but also sneak in some extra fruit. Whole-grain muffins are a great breakfast idea, they’re easy to pack in your bag, and they make a quick sideline snack.


  1. Cereal

Cereal is not just a great pre-game breakfast, but it makes a perfect snack to grab during halftime. A small container of your favorite cereal is easy to throw into your bag, and you don’t have to worry about it going bad. Many cereals are fortified with iron and carbohydrates which will give you the energy you need to finish off your game strong.


  1. Orange Slices

Aside from carbohydrates, which are important to translate into energy, fresh fruit is another great source of vitamins. Even though orange slices are the unofficial game day snack, they’re also packed full of vitamin C. If you can’t get your hands on oranges, single serving mandarins are just as beneficial.


  1. Bananas

Bananas have become an athlete’s best friend. They’re another fruit that’s easy to throw in your bag or eat on the way to a game. They provide you with healthy calories and contain potassium which can help prevent muscle cramps.


  1. Electrolyte Drinks

While water is the priority fluid to be had during a game, a sports or electrolyte drink may be more useful to replenish your hydration. During long summer matches where you may be sweating more, sports drinks can be more beneficial in re-hydrating your body faster.


  1. Fruit Smoothie

If solids don’t sit well with you on game day, a liquid source of carbohydrates or protein is a good option. Adding some protein-rich yogurt, a scoop of protein powder, or some veggies into a smoothie can give you the energy you need to make it through a long day.


  1. Trail Mix

Trail mix works as an easy snack to carry, and you can customize it to your liking. The typical trail mix made up of nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, is packed full of protein for your working muscles and healthy fats to keep you feeling full for longer.


  1. Apples and Peanut Butter

For the die-hard peanut butter fans, cut up an apple and dip it into your choice of creamy or crunchy peanut butter. This combination is the perfect snack option that combines fiber from the fruit, and protein from the peanut butter.


  1. Sports Bars

If you’re in need of a quick snack that’ll give you the energy you need to make it though a soccer game, then a sports bar is always a great option. You shouldn’t be replacing your meals with these bars, but they’re a great source of energy to quickly throw into your soccer bag. You can find bars catered to both kids and adults to give you the perfect amount of fuel.



Although there are loads of snacks to improve your performance on game day, you should always listen to your body. Eat snacks that make you feel your best, and give you the energy you need to perform!

If you need some more ideas on some easy sideline snacks, check out our Blog dedicated to some portable snacks to make your game day ten times better!





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